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2014 C/1/8 Reunion

C/1/8 Reunion Branson, MO 2014 Parade

Still shot taken from dropbox video online.

2013 C/1/8 Reunion

c/1/8 reunion 2013

2011 C/1/8 Reunion

Sixth Annual C/1/8 Reunion - Nov 9-11, 2011 - Branson, Missouri was a great success. Really great to see such camaraderie. It felt like a trip back to base camp.

c/1/8 veterans in branson, mo parade.

Charlie Company had a picnic and it was just like the old days, only our support troops were there to see and share our spirit of brotherhood.
This photo gallery was taken then, with the last photo of the 4th Infantry Division Veterans event we attended.

My wife and I also visited the Branson Veterans Memorial Museum...a must see for any veteran. They have statues, photos, clothing, weapons, equipment from all the wars. It is an incredible collection and a definite must see if you visit Branson, MO.

If you haven't gotten up the courage to attend a veterans reunion, PLEASE --- DO IT! It can be scary at first, but within minutes a sense of belonging and memories of the good times take over and you will leave a better person. Trust me! It is often even more anxious for the wives. They sometimes feel left out, but the other wives share and they too, leave not feeling so all alone in this.

PS: Wives and other friends and relatives of veterans...I want you to share your experiences with your veterans in the years since their return. I know is must have been hard on certainly was on us. It would not only help Vietnam veterans, but also those from more recent conflicts. It really helps to know that you are not alone and hearing how others have coped can be a great aid in your own struggles. It might also help us veterans to recognize the turmoil our struggles are causing our loved ones. If you wish...contribute anonymously...I will keep your identity hidden...The support troops who were in country with us are finally beginning to share their experiences, now it's time for our support troops here at home to join in the dialogue.

2010 C/1/8 Reunion

Charlie Company will be getting together in Branson, Missouri November 9 - 11, 2010.
I won't be able to make it this year, but do encourage anyone who can to attend. This is a really great group of vets. We always have a good time and Branson is quite a place to see. If you have any photos from this reunion, please share them with us...Homer

2007 C/1/8 Reunion

Andy Day, Bob (Arkie) Robbins, Ken Oostenink, and myself along with we hope many others will meeting in Branson, MO the week of 5-11 November 2007, during their Veteran's Homecoming Celebration, one of the largest in the nation. All 1/8th, 4th Infantry Vets are invited to join us. I would love to reminisce with anyone who stomped the Dak To - An Khe - Quin Nhon AO. I will be in town all day Tuesday 6 NOV. I'll have free copies of the website on CD for anyone who wants one. Hope to see you in the day room ...

Had a great time in should come by next year. Great vacation site, even is you don't attend a reunion. This is a group photo of the members of C/1/8 who met this year. Will update this section as soon as next years plans are set.

Photo courtesy of Robert Robbin's wife Brinda.

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