LZ Patricia

Letter Home
11 NOV 19699

Dear Mom and Dad,

Got a few minutes, so I thought I'd take time to write a real letter. I just can't possibly explain how busy I am as a Commander. I have 158 people who look to me for everything and that's a full time job.

My first platoon made heavy contact a few weeks back and lost 4 people. We counted 37 NVA dead. Sure hated to loose those 4 though. Hate writing letters to wives and parents. Things have been pretty quiet since then. We made one combat helicopter assault at night to help a long range patrol, but that was no problem.

Col. Haas, our Battalion Commander, is leaving on the 17 of Dec. That should make things a little easier, since he is a real pest now. Trying to make a good last minute impression on the Brigade CO.

As for me, I'm doing just fine. Sure could use some instant soup of cocoa, the powdered add to hot water type. It has turned cold and windy and wet all of a sudden. Happy birthday Mom, sorry I can't be there to say it in person. How's Dad doing at the plant? I got the battery all right. I have a roll of slides I'm sending off in a week or so and I'll probably get them back in time to send them home for Christmas.

Did you get the car fixed yet? Has it been painted? I have definitely decided to get the Opel GT with the big engine. My new DEROS (homecoming) date is 15 March 70, so I'll want to buy the car by then. I guess I'll go ahead and buy it straight out unless he gives me at least $600 trade in on my VW. Any less and I'll just keep it. Interstate Securities Company will get their last allotment check about the 1st week of 70, so send them a letter on the 3rd asking for a final statement, so I can pay off the remaining debt.

I have to run for now, so until I get another break,


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