Letter Home
12 OCT 1968

Dear Mom and Dad,

We've been on a standby alert to move to another firebase for the pst three days and I've had all my gear packed, ready to go, paper and all. We also have info about a heavy weapons attack (mortars, howitzers, and rockets) on us at 29 or the rest of the company at 32 within the next few days. The attack should not hurt anyone except those out in it, when the first rounds come in, since the bunkers should protect us from all but a direct hit.

It sure is a rough climate here. The monsoon's are over, but the temperatures are even worse. In the day it gets so hot that even the dirt burns your hand, then at night I get so cold I wear my jungle sweater, wrap up in my poncho liner, and still freeze.

Got the package of cereal, it sure tastes good at 0530 in the morning, when I'm still shivering. The salt sure improves the taste of the food too. Thanks a lot. They had two convoys ambushed recently and lost a lot of mail, so I probably lost some of your letters and visa versa.

I still would like to know the amount of money I have in the bank right now. I would like a statement copied, you know, checks, deposits and dates with current balance. If you wonder why I'm so worried it's because I haven't gotten my promotion shown on my pay records yet, or the fact that I've gone over two years service. I have both points being looked into, but I won't get any change 'til next pay day.

Got a letter from Uncle Jim and Aunt Ruby, sure was glad to hear from them. Tell Jim I don't see how, but I hope he has lots of luck with my reel.

By the way tell that dumb sister of mine that she better stay right where she is and save that visit money to live of when mister broke civilian gets out. It takes a lot to start house keeping and baby sitting both. Say "hi" to "Ricky for me.

Tell Dad I hope the bean prices go up soon, so he can do real good. Say, how's that tractor doing now? Ever get the brake fixed? Sure hope so.

By the way tell those people I don't have time to write I said hi, and Aunt Ethel, especially.

Hey Tony! Forgot how to write?


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