Letter Home
4 DEC 68 
Dear Mom and Dad, 
Thanks a lot for those packages. I sure did enjoy them. I sure stay busy as XO. I get on the average 3 or 4 letters a
day from people about unpaid bills, lost records, lost mail, finance actions, congressional inquiries, and also have
to try court martial cases for the company as prosecutor, handle supply problems, etc, just to name a few. Some of them
are about B Co. people from as far back as 1967. Tracking down lost paperwork and answering inquiries takes every spare
minute, and in between I have to pay the company, and keep account of the unit property. I have "boo coo"
bosses too. Captain Brennan Company Commander is my direct boss, but I also have to listen to Captain Booth Battalion XO,
Major Prom Battalion S-2, Colonel Olds Battalion Commander, Brigade S-2, S-3, S-1 and a host of other people wanting to
know why, when, and where, of this and that. They seem to think I know all the answers (the ones they can't answer!).
Of course it keeps me busy and that makes the time go by faster. I got a package from the Bamberg Jaycees and I thought
that was real nice of them. I'll try to find time to write them but if I forget please tell them
thanks for me. I have to run now.

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