Letter Home
4 Jan 69 
Dear Mom and Dad, 
I need a favor; we just got the pre-IG inspection over and things are really changing. I'm doing pretty well so far and I
think my biggest flaw right now is personal appearance. I need you to make me a money order for $100.00 and send it to me
ASAP. I'm going to get my fatigues laundered & tags & insignia sewn on. I also will have a bill for my room in the
BOQ at Pleiku. I also need to get a brief case to keep my papers from getting dirty. I hope to get a company when the other
senior lieutenants leave. There are only 4 1st Lt's senior to me in the battalion right now. I am also going to get me a
camera so I can take some pictures to send home. Say how's the old black bug getting along? I sure do miss a fast ride on
a smooth road. All I get over here is a slow, rough ride dodging ruts and hoping we don't hit any mines. You won't believe
it, but I rigged us a system to make 500 gallons of hot running water a day, imagine that! A hot shower! Gotta run now.

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