4th Battalion, 42nd Artillery
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I look forward to hearing from all of you.
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Capt Richard
4th Bn, 42nd Artillery
5th Bn, 16th Artillery
Hello, my name is Karl Koelle. My father, Capt Richard Koelle, was killed at
Bragg in 1975. I've been doing some research recently and found that he was with
HSB, 4th Bn 42nd Arty, 4th Infantry summer of 1969-early 1970,
then it looks like he was with
5th Bn 16th Arty the rest of his tour. I know very little about
my father's time there other than some pictures in an album. I would love to
learn more about his military service.
Thanks for your service and thanks for the site.
Posted 19 APR 2015
You can contact Karl through the Swamp_Fox email address at the bottom of the page.
4th Battalion, 42nd Field Artillery
I was an
artillery officer in the 4th Battalion of the 42nd Artillery and served
most of my time as a forward observer with infantry units in the field.
I worked out of LZ's Beaver, English, Hard Times, Meade, Lewis and
Pungi, in that order, during the Fall of 1969 and the Spring of 1970.
The infantry company captains I served with as their Forward
Observer were Captain Chambers (West Point), Lt. Witworth (both on
first tour), Captain Charlie Young (OCS - 2nd tour) and Captain Don
Cinamond (OCS - 2nd or 3rd tour) who came over initially on a troop boat
with a newly trained unit out of Fort Lewis. Not surprising the two
OCS officers were the superior leaders. The person who trained me was
Recon SGT Bob Nehring, mentioned by
Russell Armstrong
and Wayne Wright in their posting about C Battery 4/42nd Artillary.
The update additions of David Parrish make me think I was with 1/22nd
Infantry or maybe the 1/12th Infantry when serving as an FO, before
serving as XO of C Battery under Captain Larry Harbison and with Chief
of Smoke SFC Alan Bahl.
After R&R in Hong Kong, I went back out
as an FO (long story) I believe with Captain Cinamond.
If you
remember me, please contact me through this website and send me any
additional info on these photos.
Posted 19 APR 2015
You can contact John through the swamp_fox email address at the bottom of this page.
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