Company K, 75th Infantry

Guest Book Archives

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Email me at the address shown below. If you want your communication posted to the public guest book, please use a subject line in your email like this: Subject: (Guest Book yes) (Email no) The parenthesis and key words Guest Book and Email trigger my programs and make it easier for me to post your entry. The Yes or No let me know whether to post your message to my guest book and whether to post your email address along with the guest book entry. If you do not wish to post your email address, you could simply ask them to contact you through my email address. I will forward the emails to you and let you decide whether to make direct contact.

When in doubt, I will assume that your email is a private communication and will not post it. I tried automatic guest book forms, but was not satisfied with the reliability across browsers and operating systems. Simple email appears much more reliable. I look forward to hearing from all of you.


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All Email addresses are only pictures to discourage robots harvesting websites for junk mail lists. You will have to write them down and type them into your mail program manually. If you want to contact someone who did not choose to post their email address, email me and I will forward your message to that person.

Dear Sir,

I am a Vietnam Veteran, (1967-68) and was with the 716th MP BN in Saigon. Let me start by saying Welcome Home.

I am helping a young Lady who is the Daughter of Larry (Bemis) Savin, K Company, 75th Rangers, and is looking for a photo of him in Vietnam. Her Dad just passed away & she wants to know more about him. He like the rest of us did not put out much information about his days in Vietnam. She said that he was wounded but doesn't know the date. If you or anyone you know can help with this we would be most appreciative.

Posted 21 May 2017

If you want to make contact ... email me at the swamp_fox address at bottom of page and I will forward your email to her.

Charles Weidner
75th Rangers

I've included two photos of myself, one of Luther James Doss, and one of Edgar Webb. I attached a story about SSGT Doss, KIA 4/30/1970. I'd be interested in any information you may have about Ed Webb. I haven't found a word about him on the internet but did come across this photo.

Thank you for the important work that you do.

Charlie Weidner

Posted 2 NOV 2014

If you want to contact me at the swamp_fox address at bottom of page and I will forward your email to him.

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All Email addresses are in picture format only to discourage web bots from harvesting for junk mail lists. Type them into your mail manually. Site designed for Internet Explorer Version 6.0 or higher, viewed with text size medium and desktop resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.

Webmaster:Homer R. Steedly Jr. (Email: Swamp_fox at Copyright 08/12/1995 - 03/24/24. Commercial Use of material on this site is prohibited.